
Auction Tips

A few suggestions to help you not only bid successfully, but to enjoy the auction experience. Pack the items you’ll need before you leave for the auction. Some suggestions: A small flashlight to check details on anything you’re thinking about bidding on A pen and paper A value book Identification, checkbook, and your seller’s ID

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Have stuff to sell because of downsizing, divorce or death? An estate sale or auction could be your answer.

By Anne Nouri, Washington Post Whether you are baby boomer who is downsizing, someone faced with a divorce or with the loss of a loved one, there will come a time to decide how to handle the selling of personal assets that are no longer needed. There are many options, and the most common is

Have stuff to sell because of downsizing, divorce or death? An estate sale or auction could be your answer. Read More »

Why Sell at Auction

Auctions are the most unique and valuable way of selling almost any type of personal property. Some of the most popular auctions are those that involve household items, or livestock or antiques. But auctions involve so many more possessions: automobiles, office equipment, art, machinery, industrial equipment, electronics. One very rapidly growing area is real estate.

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